Sunday, January 18, 2009

Blowin' away

We've had the worst wind the last couple of days. A big section of our fence blew over and the chimney topper blew off. A big pot of bamboo was blown over in the front yard. I've been worried about losing power, but we've been lucky so far.


Jen said...

Right after we moved to Denver there was a big wind storm and blew off the fence to our house. It was 5 days before we sold it. The couple was really nice and didn't make us pay for anything.

Hailey Vial said...

Bummer, we just lost branches, but nothing that crazy.

cameron said...

my gosh! you weren't kidding, your fence really did blow over! i wish i was there to help you set it up again (then grant and i could go for a ride). i love having my road bike here now!