Sunday, November 16, 2008

What Parker Can Do

Parker can stand alone for up to 10 seconds.

He walks if he is holding your hands or holding on to furniture or if he uses the push toy my mom gave him for his birthday. He can walk from one end of the house to the other with it.

He eats just about anything. He is not picky. He especially loves mac n' cheese and green beans.

He weighs 24 1/2 pounds now.

He gets so mad now if you take something away from him. I was totally surprised to see that my sweet 1 year old will now throw himself on the floor in a tantrum. What is that about? He usually recovers pretty quickly and it's only happened a few times, but it still has me worried a bit.

He loves opening and closing doors and turning on and off the light on his toy house.

He is talking more babble than ever in his little Parker language.

Parker walking

Parker tantrum