Monday, April 27, 2009

Tulips at the Temple

In case you didn't know, this is the Portland, Oregon temple for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was a cloudy, but nice day and we wanted to go to the Woodburn Tulip Festival, but decided to stay close to home and see the flowers at the temple instead. I'm so glad we did. We only saw a few people there, since it was Sunday and was closed. We felt like we had the place to ourselves. Very peaceful, very beautiful. My brother and his wife were married here and it is a very special place.

Parker was upset that he couldn't go inside. I let him know he could someday.

Grant and I took turns being photographer and tried to capture some moments with Parker. These are our best shots.

This tree is around the corner from our house.
It has the pinkest blossoms of any other I've seen.


cameron said...

hey you! long time no hear! your photos are looking good. your class is really helping a lot. i love the on of parker behind grant, and the one of parker at the temple door. amazing there weren't a bunch of people there in the way.

Swasey Times said...

Beautiful pictures!!! Wow, it's gorgeous there. That's the bummer about living in the desert... spring isn't as inspiring. One of these days I'm going to come for a visit.

Hailey Vial said...

you take fantastic photos! I would love to take a class with you, do you have any ideas where? PCC?
I can't get over how gorgeous these shots are!
I found a new word for us, MAMARRAZZI!

Cailleau Family said...

Very pretty pictures. The temple in Portland is very pretty.