It was 102 degrees yesterday, so we escaped to the beach. It was gorgeous there. We went shopping at the outlets in Lincoln City for a couple of hours and had a late lunch and then went down to the beach. By the time we got there it had dropped from about 80 to 60 degrees! Brrr. That's Oregon for you. One minute- perfectly blue sky and warm, the next minute... completely overcast. Today we walked out of church and it was sprinkling. So humid! This spring and summer have been so weird. Mostly really cold. I wish it was 75 all the time. Guess I'd get bored after awhile. Luckily, we brought our hoodies. Grant fit Parker in with him. We had a great time.
I realized the other day that I had no butt shots. I have to have baby butt pictures! so we did this little photo shoot.
2 months ago
Got to have the baby butt shots! The picture of your "boys" is darling. Grant is only a fraction of the person that I remember. What a stud! When he and Parker are right next to each other you can really see the similarities. Can I just say I love this age. Babies are so happy and fun around this time. It is all a discovery and the love to smile!!! They also sit still for a picture.
He is so cute you two!
He is so cute. I love his American flag hat and his space outfits. What a cute boy. Love the baby butt shots as well. I will have to do some of those myself. It is nice that you can just decide at the spur of the moment to go to the beach. For us to get to the Atlantic we would need to drive 12 hours.
HOw could he have grown so much in one month? He looks so handsome. I think Grant is awesome to go shopping at the outlets with you. I miss Oregon Outlets and NO TAX, and of course I miss you guys. Hope you are doing super well and enjoying all that summer time with Parker!
What a cutie! please email me your email, hailey
How adorable! He is such a cutie pie! He almost doesn't have a bum it is so tiny!
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